Monday, September 9, 2013

Peirong day 4

Hi good morning. My morning started with the usual blueberry morning. Hence I didn't bother taking a photo. Lunch was purple noodles, hence no photo either. 

However, it's my fellow intern's birthday today so I bought her a cake from Starbucks and surprised her. Glad to see that she was soooo happy hehe.

If you can see, it's the little Oreo cake in her hands. Shared it with her and then had half my cup of cafe latte plus a fruit bowl from Starbucks too. 

After work, bf surprised me outside my office with my favorite puddingpudpud from Paris Baguette hehe.

I think it's cus I said today is gf giveback day and I'm gonna cook for him. So yep I did! Chef Lin put to the test! 

Not bad right :P so jj asked," you know what's the best thing to complete this dinner?" And he served...

Coconut juice. Hah! Shionyee, I drink this and I think of you.

Anyway, off to eat my puddingpudpud now~

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